After church on Sunday my sweet Hyrum ran up to me with a bag full of his drawings, a card and a lovely picture frame. My favorite part was the sweet kisses and Hyrum saying, "Happy Mother's Day!" He's never done that before.
Then Layne gave me a gift certificate for Color Me Mine, a personal favorite of mine where you get to paint pottery. I was thrilled with that. THEN he gave me a gift certificate for an hour facial with a hand and foot massage. THEN he gave me a 2-lb box of my favorite See's chocolates. THEN he gave me this wonderful, heartfelt poem he wrote himself!
This is also the same man who took tender care of me this last year, even helping me to shower and get dressed in the first few months. Feed me, help get me to and from work in Irvine while he worked full time in Carson (45 minutes apart) and attended classes at CSULB where he is pursuing his administrative certificate. He's a Dean of Students (Vice Principal) now at a charter school and hopes to be a principal. AND took care of Hyrum, all the housework and all the meals. AND even flew in my mother when I cried and told him I needed her.
Happy Thoughts: I was worried my illness might cause him to resent me. It's done the opposite. He's told me that he loves me more deeply BECAUSE he's had to care for me. And I feel the same. I know I can trust him to be there for me. This man stands a very good chance of making all my dreams come true, and I'm the lucky girl who's married to him. Somebody pinch me! But gently. I bruise.